The Gentleman's Guide

Seersucker: What It Is, How to Wear It & How to Care for It

Seersucker: What It Is, How to Wear It & How to Care for It

As temperatures climb, it’s time to revisit every gentleman’s favorite warm-weather staple: seersuckerIt’s light and cool, sophisticated and classic - and perfect for summertime events. 

But many who wear seersucker are unaware of its history, aren’t totally confident in wearing it, and need tips on how to keep it fresh and crisp. We have your guide.

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Tuxedo Shirt Styles - A Guide

Tuxedo Shirt Styles - A Guide

The tux tends to get all the glory - but the tuxedo shirt deserves the credit of co-star rather than a supporting role. From collar to cuff, various tuxedo shirt styles can feature a number of subtle and stunning details. They help you  showcase your personality, and serve as a canvas for your - the well-dressed gentleman - finest accessories. 

We have prepared a tuxedo shirt guide to help you feel comfortable and confident in your attire and accessory choices - no matter if you’re shopping online or in store. 

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The History of Tartan

The History of Tartan

There’s something wonderfully festive and distinguished about tartan. It’s handsome and strong, steeped in history and tradition, and - for many - it’s even familial and symbolic. Donning your tartan of choice can make you stand a bit taller and socialize a bit longer as new memories settle in beside your nostalgia. 

But do you know the difference between tartan and plaid? Scottish vs Irish vs Madras? Learn about the colorful history of tartan, and let us help you find the perfect tartan look for the holidays and beyond.

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